18, 2003
(Georgie glances back and sees
Maxie and Lucas enter and
kisses Dillon)
Lucas: (As he enters
with Maxie) So, we'll double-check my mom's on duty tonight then...(sees
Georgie kissing Dillon) Georgie? (Georgie pulls back and turns around
to face them)
Georgie: Oh, hey guys. (To Dillon) Follow
my lead
(Lucas and Maxie walk up)
Lucas: Who the hell is this?
(Georgie stands next to Dillon with her arm wrapped around his smiling
at them)
This is my date...the one I told you about? (To Dillon) That's my cousin
Lucas Jones whose kind of my cousin but not really
Dillon: What's up?
Georgie: My sister Maxie.
Maxie: Hey.
Lucas: You got a name?
Dillon: Dillon Quartermaine.
(Georgie looks at him surprised)
We know all the Quartermaines, I've never heardof a Dillon.
Georgie: Right. So we wanted to check out
that movie, right? (Tries to leave)
Maxie: (Stops her) In a minute. So whose
your dad?
Dillon: Paul Hornsby.
Lucas: If your father's a Hornsby then
how does that make you a Quartermaine?
Dillon: If you're really Georgie's cousin,
how are you kind of not?
Georgie: Maybe his mom's a Quartermaine?
Maxie: You don't know?
Georgie: Oh, geez. We haven't been over
each other's life histories, I mean...
Dillon: Ok, I don't know why I'm explaining
this but, my mother is Tracy Quartermaine. Her father is Edward, that's
my grandfather, I have a brother named Ned, I've been all around the
world and now I'm here.
Lucas: How long you been in P.C.?
Maxie: (While Lucas is talking) Wait, I
thought you met at the Cybercafe last week?
Geogie: Oh man, you guys are total freaks.
I mean don't you have some lame party to go to? So go. Dillon and I
are late for the movie. (Starts to try to leave again)
Lucas: (Stops her) Georgie. Are you sure
about this guy?
Dillon: You know my life is seriously fuller
having met you guys. (To Georgie) Are we out of here?
Georgie: Like 10 minutes ago. (Dillon takes
her hand, she leads them out) See ya.
(Maxie and Lucas watch them leave)
(Dillon and Georgie walk back inside after seeing Lucas and Maxie are
You have no idea just how much I owe you.
Dillon: No, it's cool.
No, really, you were there for me like right in front of my sister.
How did you figure out what was going on anyway?
(They sit down at a table)
Dillon: Um, I don't know, it's kind of
like that Cukor film. You know the one with Kathy Hepburn (eats something)
and Cary Grant in it?
Georgie: Is it old?
Dillon: Um, majorally, but it's still a
Georgie: From the 70's?
Dillon: (laughs) Um, older. I don't know,
it's about this guy and these two girls and this just kind of reminded
me of what happened. Forget it.
Georgie: Oh, well, if my life were a movie,
I would definitely be the sister getting dumped on every day.
Dillon: You know, like in that Molly Ringwald
film, you know the one where she turns 16 and then nobody even remembers?
Georgie: Yeah. Yeah, now that one I know.
Stick to the 80's and higher.
(Both laugh)
Dillon: Well, anyway it's like that movie
Georgie: Yeah.
Dillon: So you got to crash this party,
you know that.
Georgie: No way. If I do that my sister
will lock me in the dryer.
Dillon: Well, yeah, maybe, but I mean if
you don't rist it, you're never going to end up with the guy, right?
Georgie: I don't know
Dillon: Um...well then I guess I'm going
to get going (gets up and starts to leave)
Georgie: (Gets up and stops him) No. No.
No, wait Dillon. (Dillon stops and turns back around) I'll go to the
party...but, I really need your help.
(Georgie and Dillon walk inside. The party is already started)
Ok, maybe this was a bad idea. (Starts to head for the door)
Dillon: (Grabs her arm) No. No. No. No.
No. No. Come on. This can be fun. Just think of everybody here as a
Georgie: Ok.
(They head further in and stand off to the side)
Dillon: Like um...ok, you see that guy?
Georgie: Where?
Dillon: Right there?
Georgie: Mmm-hmm
Dillon: Remember that Sean Penn movie before
he went all political?
Georgie: The one where he's a stoner?
Dillon: (Nods) Tell me that's not him (Georgie
looks at the guy and smiles) Come on, all right the guy's like a complete
Georgie: You're right. That's awesome!
(Kyle notices Georgie and Dillon and walks up to them)
Kyle: The nasty little sister.
Georgie: Gross. What are you doing here?
Kyle: You crashed my party, now I'm here
looking for fun. (To Dillon) Dude, she's totally not it.
Dillon: James Spader, "Pretty In Pink"
Georgie: (Smiles) Definitely.
Kyle: You're new and a poser (girl walks
by) I'd watch your back. (Follows the girl)
Georgie: (Happy) That rocked! He is such
a jerk. All right, it's my turn
(A drunk Maxie stumbles over to Lucas)
Lucas: Hey.
Maxie: What's up?
Lucas: Kyle's here. I'm going to kick him
Maxie: Well, forget about it, it's not
worth the time. (Turns around and wobbles)
Lucas: Whoa. How many of those have you
had, Max? A little bit?
(Maxie laughs)
Georgie: Dillon, I can't believe Maxie's
not wailing on me yet.
(Lucas and Maxie walk up)
Dillon: Heads up. Spoke too soon.
Lucas: You ditch the movie?
Georgie: (Puts a hand on Dillon's shoulder)
Yeah. Dillon thought a party sounded cool.
Dillon: (Sarcasticly) Yeah. Cause I mean
how cool is this, right? You guys don't mind us crashing do you?
Maxie: (Drunk) No way! Come on I'll show
you where the key is (pulling Dillon away) (in a sing song voice) Come
on. Come on.
Dillon: Great.
Lucas: Hey. Sorry about before.
Georgie: No. I'm the one who should be
sorry. Look, I don't know Dillon that well, Lucas. I mean, he seems
really super nice...
Lucas: Be careful getting into it with
a guy, you know before getting them
Georgie: No...no we're just friends, like,
honest. Really.
Lucas: Is that why you were macking on
him at the diner?
(Georgie looks nervous)
Kissing Dillon, was, I don't know an experiment.
Lucas: I don't get it.
Georgie: Well we met at the Cybercafe,
and he told me he thought I was hot.
Lucas: (laughs) Ok.
Georgie: Which is so weird, cause Maxie's
always putting me down and here comes this guy out of nowhere!
Lucas: Maxie's, just giving you a hard,
Georgie: Whatever. So I kissed him.
Lucas: Did you like it?
Georgie: (Nervous) No. Absolutely not.
(Dillon walks up) I mean Dillon's super nice, but not...
Dillon: Not so nice when you get to know
him. I'm a total jerk.
Lucas: Sounds about right. What are you
really doing here, Dillon?
Dillon: Just hanging with Georgie. (To
Georgie, his voice raised) This music sucks, you want to dance? (Georgie
(Mac comes in)
Boy: Drink! Drink!
Boy #2: Chug that. You better
chug that right now.
(Maxie sees Mac. He turns on the light)
Maxie: Oh, no.
Mac: (Taps on the table with a vase) Boys
and girls I'm Commissioner Scorpio, anyone who does not vacate the property
in 60 seconds is going to juvie for the night. (Everybody gets up and
starts to leave) Leave your keysbehind. Pick them up tomorrow. (Kids
drop keys in the vase on their way out)
Dillon: I can't believe I'm in a town where
the cops raid keggers
Georgie: Yeah, you'd better go.
Dillon: You going to be okay?
Georgie: I hope so.
(Dillon so looks like he wants to kiss Georgie but doesn't and then
turns and leaves)
