May 29,
Maxie: You're a Quartermaine right? You
could pay for a hotel room and then Maximum Maxie could be all yours
Dillon: That is not why I'm here
Maxie: What's your problem? You don't want
to do it with the Internet porn queen of Port Charles High?
Dillon: Come on...ok. A, your not a porn
queen, ok? And B, I'm sorry...
Maxie: You don't like me.
Dillon: I like your sister, Georgie. (Lays
his head back)
Maxie: Have you told her how you feel?
Dillon: (shakes his head no and then stands
up) Why should I? I mean she's all about Lucas, right? Listen, can you
do me a favor? Can you not tell anybody about this?
Maxie: (stands up) Look, Dillon you really
need to say something to Georgie. You need to stop her from going after
Lucas. When your that hung up on a person and your whole life is focused
around them, just like I was on Kyle, that's when you start doing things
you regret.
Dillon: Maxie, people make mistakes
Maxie: I don't want my sister to. Look
Dillon if you really like Georgie you owe it to her to keep her from
trashing her life just like I did.
Mac: I thought you left
Georgie: I came back. I want to know why
I'm getting punished for what happened to Maxie.
Mac: Georgie, you can argue all you want
to but the answer is still no. You're not going to prom.
Georgie: Its not like I would be going
with some jerk like Kyle Ratcliff. I would be going with Lucas
Mac: No.
Georgie: Dad...(puts hand on folders he's
thumbing through to get him to stop and listen to her) I like Lucas...a
lot and I've been wanting him to ask me out since like forever and now
he has. Please.
Mac: No.
Georgie: Can I at least know what I'm getting
in trouble for?
Mac: You failed to come to me when you
knew your sister was in trouble
Georgie: I didn't want to tell on her
Mac: And that right there is proof your
too young to be dating. End of discussion (walks away)
Dillon: (to waitress) Root beer.
(Georgie comes in upset)
Maxie: What's wrong?
Georgie: I got invited to the prom but
I can't go because of you. Look, I told you not to trust Kyle and not
to do anything with him but you wouldn't listen. And now you've ruined
it for me. 
Maxie: Wait. Who asked you to the prom?
Georgie: Lucas.
(Dillon looks over)
Maxie: You guys are going as friends though,
Georgie: We're not going at all, but it
would've been a date. (Dillon starts to leave and Lucas is comng in)
Perfect. Now I get to explain why I can't attend the biggest night of
my life.
(Shot of Dillon
outside obviously upset but trying to hide it)
Georgie: (To Lucas)I can't go to prom with
you because Mac thinks all guys are like Kyle
Maxie: Look, Georgie Mac's making you pay
for what I did
Lucas: Does your dad know that I was the
one who asked you? (Mac walks in) Let me try. (Walks over to Mac) Listen
Mac: No.
Prom happens once a year, and it's something girls remember for the
rest of their lives.
Mac: These are consequences for bad choices
Lucas: But Georgie didn't do anything wrong
Mac: She didn't tell me about the bad choices
her sister was making.
Lucas: So if you make one bad mistake,
that's it? That's all the chances you get?
Mac: Maxie's made more than one mistake.
She's been getting further and further out of control
Lucas: She got in a bad situation, and
her mom's out of state and you're always at work. I'm not saying it's
your fault...sir...
Mac: Look, it is my fault, Lucas.
I should've stepped in, OK? I should've been paying closer attention.
I should've gotten involved before Maxie ended up on the Internet.
Lucas: Maxie was the victim. She cared
for Kyle and he did something totally wrong to her. He's who you're
mad at and your punishing Maxie, and you're acting like your ashamed
of her for making you look bad.
(Maxie walks up)
Maxie: Look, forget it Lucas. I blew it
big time. I deserve to be grounded.
Mac: You know what, Maxie? Actually, uh
Lucas raises some interesting questions here. I don't want you to pay
for the terrible way Kyle Ratcliff acted.
Georgie: And?
Mac: And if you tell me where you are,
if you tell me who you're with, where you're going. If you obey all
my rules, including curfew...
Georgie: Then you'll let me go to the prom?
Mac: Yeah.
(Georgie gets excited and hugs Lucas)
Mac: (To Maxie) You too.
Georgie: (Hugs Mac) Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you!
(Mac's cell phone rings)
Mac: Oh...hold on a second (pulls cell
phone out) Scorpio? OK, yeah hold on...(to Georgie, Lucas and Maxie)
I have to take this outside (leaves)
Georgie: (To Lucas) Thank you so much!
Lucas: You are very welcome
Georgie: How did you get him to change
his mind?
Lucas: (shrugs) Uh, I'll call you later?
Georgie: OK
Lucas: OK (Leaves)
Georgie: (To Maxie) Did you see what he
was willing to go through to make me happy?
Maxie: Yeah, Lucas is great. Hey, but I
think Dillon's pretty cool too.
Georgie: I cannot wait for the prom...and
Maxie: What?
Georgie: We'll sleep together. It's exactly
how I want my first time to be.
(Maxie has the look of shock on her face)
Look what just happened to me, Georgie. Do you really want to get the
same reputation that I've got now?
Georgie: No. And this is totally different.
You slept with Kyle because you wanted to be popular. I'm going to be
with Lucas because I want to show him how I feel and he'll know it's
really special, unlike Kyle. Look, when you sleep with the right person
for the right reasons, it's beautiful
Maxie: Georgie, come on.
Georgie: No, I know what I'm doing (gets
up and leaves)