July 3,
(Lorenzo's guy has Dillon pinned up against the wall)
Dillon: I think this has obviously been
some kind of mistake.
Lorenzo: Yes, the one you made.
(Lorenzo's guy starts searching Dillon's pockets)
Dillon: Hey, easy, this isn't pentonville
and I'm not a prisoner, ok? (The guy chokes him more) All I'm saying
is your buddy here is obviously a professional and I'm obviously a kid,
so if there's any way you could let me know...
Lorenzo: I'm only going to ask you once.
Give me what you stole.
(Georgie comes out)
Georgie: Stop. Wait. Is...is this what
you're looking for? (Holds up remote)
I...I found this in the corner, you must've dropped it.
Dillon: Georgie go back inside now.
Georgie: You see, I work here, people lose
stuff all the time, you know?
Lorenzo: (takes remote) I'm not the careless
type (puts remote in his coat)
Georgie: Right. Well there's your whatever
it is and um can you just please let Dillon go now?
Dillon: She is covering for me
Lorenzo: I realize that
Dillon: Can you just...can you just let
her go back inside? This has nothing to do with her. We needed some
cash. I'm the one who lifted your money and the remote thing, OK?
Lorenzo: That's not very smart.
Dillon: I know. You're Alcazar, which is
a great name by the way. I think it's really original.
Lorenzo: You're starting to annoy me
Dillon: Hey, well, can you blame me for
being a little bit awestruck? I mean, stories about evil Al circulate
all throughout P.C. High, even the summer session.
Lorenzo: Let's take Dillon for a walk.
(Lorenzo's guy stops choking Dillon and pulls him off the wall)
Dillon: Wait a minute. No. No, man, dude,
you are...you are a legend OK? I mean, whenever somebody disappears
between English and lunch, they know somebody must've done something
to piss off the big tuna, right? I mean, you took out half the basketball
team and the prom committee in one fell swoop. You decimated the prom.
Hey, I just wanted to ask...is it true about the wall? You know, the
one with all the Sophomore heads from the missing...
Georgie: You know, he's a special-needs
student. He really doesn't know what he's saying
Dillon: I just wanted to say I hated Deana
Herbeson so I thought maybe we could get together, I could...
Lorenzo: Kid. Learn to quit while you're
(Lorenzo's guy lets go of Dillon and leaves with Lorenzo)
Georgie: "Quit while you're ahead"?
Dillon: (trying to play it cool) Yeah,
you know, I was just gettin going I'm kind of bummed
Georgie: You're nuts. (Hits his shoulder)
Dillon, that guy's an arms dealer. I mean, OK, you lifted his money,
you dissed his guard and then you end up ahead?
Dillon: Well I'm just cool like that. (Breaks
down into laughter)
[At a table
inside Kelly's]
(Georgie's blankly staring off)
Dillon: You OK? (Sets her pop in front
of her)
Georgie: I'm just trying to figure you
Oh, well, that's a waste of time (sits down)
Georgie: Do you have a death wish?
Dillon: What? With my life? No. (Points
to his swollen eye)
Georgie: Well, then did you study acting
in Europe?
Dillon: No. No, sir actors are on the bottom
of the karmic ladder right above meter maids and telemarketers
Georgie: Then how did you pull that off
outside? I mean really.
Dillon: I talked my way out of it, Georgie.
Georgie: I know I saw, Dillon. But my heart
was pounding out of my chest, and you were just...
Dillon: Focused.
Georgie: That guy could've killed you.
Dillon: Listen to me, when you live like
I have, traveling all over the place, you don't really know anybody,
nobody knows you. I don't know, you just learn to handle stuff.
Georgie: What's the secret?
Dillon: Never kiss up. Never cave in.
Georgie: That's it? I mean, there's got
to be more.
Dillon: No. No, there really isn't. Face
it, Georgie, nobody like a wimp and everybody...(looks closer at her)
everybody loves the bad boy.
(Maxie and Kyle are making out on the couch. Kyle sits up and takes
off his shirt)
Maxie: Yeah it's time
Kyle: I'm there too (goes to unbuckle his
Maxie: So you'll call me later? (starts
tying her shirt
Kyle: (Stops with the buckle) What?
Maxie: It's time for you to go
Kyle: No way. You don't mean that do you?
Maxie: You said you'd be cool when I asked
you to leave.
Kyle: (pulls her legs to him to get her
to lay back down) Let me give you another second to think about that
(kisses her)
Maxie: I don't need another second because
then I'm going to ask you to stay. Kyle, I think maybe that you should
go (pushes him back)
Kyle: I want you so bad, Maxie. Right now.
Dillon: Great line. (Both Kyle and Maxie
get up) Wish I could be that original
Maxie: Dillon, were you just watching us?
Georgie: Like anyone would really want
to see that
Kyle: Oh, you know you want it
Georgie: Not from you.
Dillon: Look, I hate to spoil the undoubtedly
rapid-fire repartee that's about to ensue, but commissioner Scorpio's
on his way up the walk (gets in Kyle's face)
Maxie: What? Wait. (Pulls Kyle to her)
Kyle: I'm going. I'm going.
Maxie: Go, go, go, go.
Kyle: We're cool right?
Maxie: Yeah totally. (Kyle kisses her)
Go! Get out of here
(Kyle runs out)
Georgie: Wow. Maxie did you always have
such bad taste in guys? I mean, the guy's a total poser. Really.
Maxie: What's Mac doing home so early?
Dillon: I don't know (sits on the couch
arm) Checking on his daughters theoretically. He probably had a sneaky
suspicion you girls were up to no good.
Georgie: Yeah.
Maxie: Did he really say that?
Dillon: No. But I'm sure if he was on his
way up the walk he'd say something lame like that, right?
Georgie: Absolutely
Maxie: So you just made up that to get
rid of Kyle?
Dillon: You can thank me later
Maxie: Look, you know, I know that you
guys just had a huge fight, but the only reason he was here was because
I wanted him to be here.
Dillon: I don't know, it sounded like you
were trying to get him to leave
Maxie: I wasn't. (Stands up and gets in
Dillon's face) But you know what? You can get the hell out of here (leaves)
Georgie: (stands up) Wow. Look at you (hits
Dillon on the shoulder) saving the day all over the place. 
Dillon: I don't know Maxie looks pretty
postal (gets off the couch and faces her) You think I did good?
Georgie: I think you did great. (Hugs him
and slowly pulls back and looks into Dillon's eyes)
Dillon: (stares back at her looking from
her eyes to her lips, wanting to kiss her but stops himself) Well, you
know, I...(turns head to look away)
(Georgie makes him look back at her. They stare at each other, both
wanting the same thing. They both lean in and share their first TRUE
(Georgie walks up to the table Dillon's sitting at)
Dillon: Hey, what happened to you?
Georgie: Riding a bike to the Quartermaines,
in the middle of summer isn't exactly fun. Why do you have to live so
far away?
Dillon: You went all the way to my grandfather's
Georgie: Yeah, yeah those gates are really,
really big
Dillon: Why did you go all the way up there?
Georgie: To see you. (Takes his drink and
takes a drink)
Dillon: You know, Mac wouldn't appreciate
that none too much. Isn't that why you kicked me out of your house earlier
Georgie: Yeah, but um Mac can't keep me
from seeing my best friend, right?
Dillon: (sits back) Tell me you didn't
just say that. (Makes quote symbols with his fingers) "Friends
is just a totally evil way of saying ugly." That's a direct quote
Georgie: I know, but that was before.
Dillon: Wait. Listen, I get it OK? Friends...as
in buddy, pal, chum, guy who says your hair looks nice in a completely
platonic nonthreatening way (gets up) I know.
Georgie: (Gets up) Dillon, will you just
shut up and listen? I don't just want to be your friend
Dillon: Oh, yeah, I know, you use me for
kissing practice as well
Georgie: That was also before.
Dillon: Before what?
Georgie: Today. At my house. It was different
from all the other times we've kissed. It was...it was real. At least...at
least for me
Dillon: Well, yeah for me too
Georgie: Right. So um if you wanted to
do it again sometime, that would be...that would be cool.
Dillon: (smiles) OK (takes a step towards
her and puts a hand on her face and starts to lean in to kiss her. Her
cell phone interrupts them. He leans his forehead against hers) If this
were a movie you wouldn't answer that.
Georgie: (pulls cell phone out) I know.
Hey, Mac. But I'm only at Kelly's. All right. (Hangs up)
Dillon: What?
Georgie: I have to go
Dillon: (Steps aside and Georgie starts
to leave) Hey, Georgie?
Georgie: (turns back around) Yeah?
Dillon: The thing about movies is every
great one has a great beginning. This, today, here, now...it's ours
(Georgie smiles and leaves. Dillon smiles)