July 9,
(Georgie's clearing some dishes and turns around and bumps into Kyle
who drops some dishes into her bin)
Kyle: Here. Let me help.
Georgie: Thanks.
Kyle: That's for lying to me about your
dad the other night.
Georgie: Hey, you bought it. (Tries to
Kyle: (Stops her) When did you appoint
yourself the date police?
Georgie: You were all over Maxie on the
couch, I don't exactly qualify that as a date.
Kyle: Maxie liked it.
Georgie: Maxie wanted you to leave, and
so do I. Bye. (Starts to leave but is stopped by Zach)
Zach: You're jealous.
Georgie: Yeah. Yeah, that's it.
Kyle: Doesn't your little boyfriend keep
you satisfied?
Georgie: Some of us have to work for a
Kyle: I got a message for Dillie.
(Dillon walks up)
Dillon: Ooh (claps) a message. (Motions
with his hand to "go ahead") Why don't you tell me to my face?
(To Dillon) Georgie's hero. You don't catch on do you?
Dillon: Guess not.
Kyle: Hmm. (Looks from Dillon to Georgie)
You're perfect for each other. No friends, no style. Even your mothers
walked away.
(Dillon jumps in front of Georgie)
Georgie: Wait. Wait. Wait...Dillon he's
not worth it.
(Dillon protectively holds Georgie back)
Dillon: Well, what's the matter, Kyle?
Hmm? Mommy and Daddy love your sister more than you? I mean, everybody
else does.
Kyle: Yeah, that's right.
Dillon: Huh. Ok. So that's why you have
this case against girls, why you tricked Maxie into having sex on the
Internet. While you just...(mimics eating sound) use her up and spit
her out? Because you want to be your sister?
Zach: Good one, dude. (Hits Dillon's shoulder)
Kyle: (Looks at Zach) That must be it.
Dillon: (Wipes off Kyle's shoulder) Yeah.
Well, keep trying. I'm sure you'll get there someday.
(Kyle starts to walk away but stops and pushes Dillon into a table)
Georgie: Hey, you guys! Hold on...
Kyle: Mommy! Mommy!
Georgie: Oh my God! Are you OK?
Dillon: Yes.
Georgie: Oh, come on (holds her hand out
and he takes it and she pulls him up) let's go.
(Mac walks up and pushes Dillon against the wall)
Mac: Hey, let go of my daughter.
Dillon: Oh great.
Georgie: Kyle attacked him again.
Mac: (grabs Dillon's shirt) Come with me.
Georgie: Dad, you can't arrest him.
Mac: You be here when I get back
Dillon: It's going to be OK
Mac: (grabs his shirt again) Come on.
Dillon: I think.
Georgie: Come on, Dad
Mac: (drags Dillon off) I have a better
(Mac pushes Dillon inside)
Edward: Hey, why did you ring the doorbell?
You live here.
Mac: Dillon was creating a disturbance
at Kelly's. Destroying property and harassing my daughter.
Edward: So? What do you have to say for
Mac: No, just get him under control. I'm
in no mood for the Quartermaines (leaves)
Dillon: I didn't do anything.
Edward: Listen, young man. I will do the
talking and you better, by God, do the listening.
Living Room]
Edward: No I realize that I'm partly to
blame for this. I should've kept a closer eye on you.
Dillon: Why? You don't even want me around.
Edward: You are family just the same, and
you know something? Just like your mother you are making us look bad
and I won't have it.
Dillon: Well, you know, what I do or how
I act isn't any of your business (stars to leave)
Edward: (stops him) Hey, don't you walk
away from me, you twerp. No, look, I gave your mother far too much reign,
and look what happened, she's a blight on this family. She's a waste
of my money and her potential. And the damage she has done to you...oh
I think it's heartbreaking. She gave you away like a stray puppy.
Dillon: She'll be back.
Edward: I hope not.
Dillon: Well, then, you know what? I'll
go somewhere else.
Edward: No, you won't.
Dillon: OK?
Edward: You will stay right here and you
will learn to abide by the rules of his family. And you will learn to
get along with all of its members. You won't go near that Georgie Jones.
If you screw up, I will send you to a military school no matter what
Lila thinks. (Leaves)
sneaks out of the mansion with his bookbag)
(Mac walks up to Georgie)
Mac: I took Dillon back to the Quartermaines'.
I told him to stay away from you.
Georgie: He's a good friend.
Mac: From now on, Dillon Quartermaine is
Georgie: Like you have time to be the Dillon
Mac: Hey. Whatever happened to my Georgie...a
straight-A student and all around great girl?
Georgie: I got straight A's last quarter.
Mac: I want my Georgie back.
Georgie: Just couldn't love me the way
I am?
Mac: Now come on don't even try that. You
know I love you.
Georgie: You think mom will ever come back?
Mac: As soon as she can. Your great-grandmother
is very sick.
Georgie: It's all right...Dillon's mom
dumped him too. I just need to get over it.
Mac; Felicia didn't dump you. But Dillon...he
makes you see the worst in everything, he drags you down.
Georgie: Dillon understands me
Mac: Dillon is unhappy. And I can't say
that I blame him. But he's n to doing you any favors by encouraging
you to rebel and self-destruct. That's why I want you to stay away from
him. Hey. I love you. I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment,
but I do. I always will. (Kisses her forehead and hugs her but she doesn't
hug back) (Leaves)
- Later on]
(Dillon walks up as Georgie walks out)
Dillon: Hey. You OK?
Georgie: Mac said I can't see you anymore.
Dillon: OK Do you want me to leave?
Georgie: I'm tired of being in trouble
all the time.
Dillon: So you're caving in. You're going
to go through life having people tell you what to do all the time?
Georgie: Mac says you're nothing but trouble.
Dillon: Mac's right. (Chuckles)
Georgie: You need to get out of here now.
Dillon: OK (Tosses bookbag on the table)
I'll get out of here. Why don't youcome with me? Let's run away together.
You and me. Right now.