July 14,
(Scott and some other cops bring Jason in handcuffed)
Scott: Mac.
Georgie: Oh good Jason's here. He'll keep
my dad busy forever. He's a complete criminal.
Dillon: Yeah, that complete criminal is
my cousin
Mac: (Looks at Jason) So what do we have
on him this time?
Scott: Oh, violating a restraining order,
Mac: Should be good for about five or ten.
Scott: Oh, let's go for the 10, huh?
(Edward walks in)
Edward: All right. Let's make this quick,
I have a transatlantic conference call to make. (Pulls out his checkbook)
(Scott walks up to Edward)
Scott: What's going on, Edward?
Edward: Don't you law enforcement drones
ever speak to each other? I'm here to bail out my grandson.
Scott: Really? Which one?
(Edward looks from Dillon to Jason)
walks up to Jason)
Jason: He's not here for me.
Edward: I will never understand you, son.
How bad does it have to be before you realize you can salvage what's
left of your life?
Jason: My life's fine.
Edward: You are intolerably selfish. Does
it ever occur to you that every time you commit a crime you are embarrassing
your family?
Jason: You're not my family.
Edward: Does Lila deserve better than this,
huh? You're going to prison, that's what.
Jason: Why don't you leave Lila out of
Edward: Yeah.
Jason: Baldwin, can I have a room please?
Scott: Sure, would you like an ocean view?
(Takes Jason into the interrogation room)
(Edward walks up to Dillon and Georgie)
Edward: And now for the felon in training.
Georgie: (Stands up) Mr. Quartermaine I
can explain.
Edward: (To Dillon) I hope you got a good
look around. You see where a life of crime can lead you.
Georgie: Dillon doesn't want to go to jail.
Edward: That's why I'm here to post your
bail. On two conditions.
Dillon: Oh, this will be good.
Edward: First, you agree to abide by my
rules and the rules of the family.
Dillon: That's one.
Edward: And you will apologize immediately
for disgracing the family name.
Dillon: You know what? I think my cousin
had it right.
Edward: How's that?
Dillon: The Quartermaines are the real
prison. I'll take my chances.
So you really want to be a thug like Jason, huh?
Dillon: Better than a suck up like AJ.
Georgie: Mr. Quartermaine he's really freaked
out. He's not himself at all.
Dillon: How would he know? He wrote me
off since day one.
Edward: So, aren't you going to apologize?
Dillon: No. No, I'm not. But I'll vow never
to give a damn what you think. How about that?
Edward: All right. We'll see how well you
do spending a night in a jail cell rather than your well-appointed bedroom
in my home. God. (Starts to walk away)
Georgie: (Follows him and stops him) Oh.
Mr. Quartermaine wait. Just...Dillon's covering for me. It was my idea
to take the motorcycle and run.
Edward: I cannot believe that your mother
would leave you girls unattended like this for such a long period of
Georgie: But that's why I did it. Um...I
was hoping I'd get her mad enough to come back and uh Dillon didn't
want me doing anything crazy on my own so he was...he was protecting
Edward: (glances at Dillon) I still expect
an apology.
Georgie: And you'll...you'll get it. Just
one second. (Walks over to Dillon and puts her hands on his knees and
kneels down in front of him)
Dillon: Can you believe that old windbag?
Georgie: Suck it up and say you're sorry.
Dillon: I'm not.
Georgie: Do it for me.
(Dillon stares at Georgie)
glances at Edward and then turns back to Georgie)
Dillon: My grandfather just wants to control
Georgie: Yeah but we did steal Kyle's bike
and run.
Dillon: Yeah and I'd do it again.
Georgie: You would? (Smiles)
Dillon: Yes. Yesterday was...it was amazing.
I mean, I haven't felt that good since...Boy I don't think I've ever
felt that good.
Georgie: It was pretty awesome, wasn't
Dillon: Yeah. I mean, we just...we just
rode. We didn't have to think. It's been forever since I didn't have
to think. It felt right.
Georgie: It was. But if you ever want to
do anything like that again you can't be stuck in jail.
Dillon: (Stares at her) That matters to
Georgie: Yeah. I want to see you all the
(Edward walks up)
Edward: So, Dillon Georgie insists that
you have something to say to me.
(Georgie stands up)
Georgie: He does.
Dillon: I'm...
Edward: You know as shocking as your behavior
has been, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Let's just chalk it up
to your raging hormones.
Dillon: Hormones? (Looks at Georgie)
Edward: Yes, what were you thinking letting
this little girl drag you around on a two-day crime spree?
Dillon: It wasn't her idea.
Edward: Of course it was! Her mother has
been an absentee mother for years now. Allowing both of those girls
to just run wild in the streets and create havoc.
Dillon: Her mother is visiting her sick
grandmother in Texas. Hello.
Edward: Then she should be making her mother's
life easier instead of running around wild with you, trying to talk
you into being a delinquent like she is.
Dillon: (Stands up) You know what, last
time I checked fossils didn't run my life!
Edward: What's that?
Dillon: In order to apologize to you, I'd
have to respect you, and I don't. You are a vindictive, evil, pompous,
old relic, and I would rather spend my life in jail, then listen to
you. S you can go back to that lunatic asylum you call a home, grandfather,
because I am just fine right here.
Edward: Tracy has always been a blight
on this family. And I see that her legacy has...has continued in you
(Georgie walks over to Dillon)
Dillon: I know what you're going to say.
I'm sorry.
Georgie: Dillon...
Dillon: I just could not let him...
Georgie: Dillon, you are the bravest guy
I've ever met.
(Dillon chuckles and smiles at her)
Dillon: Thank you.
Georgie: You're welcome.
(They smile at each other)
(Dillon comes in dressed in prison clothes. Georgie's waiting for him)
Dillon: Hi.
Georgie: Are you ok?
Dillon: Yeah. Yeah, I'm not crazy about
the outfit. (Playing with his pant leg) You think they'd let me rivet
these a little bit? Maybe...
Georgie: I'm sorry, Dillon.
Dillon: No, no it's ok I mean, I know my
jacket's cooler anyway, so...
Georgie: No, about not getting you out
of this and getting caught in the first place.
Dillon: It's not your fault.
Georgie: Yeah but I could've convinced...
Dillon: Would you just listen to me for
one minute? You see where we are? (Takes her hands)
Georgie: Yeah.
Dillon: Forget that, ok? Forget where we
are for one second.
Georgie: It's kind of hard.
Dillon: I know just (sits down on the edge
of the table and pulls her closer to him) go with me here, ok?
Georgie: Where?
Dillon: Yesterday. You remember how warm
it was? The sun...it felt good on my face.
Georgie: I know.
Dillon: And we...what did we do? We broke
the speed limit, by like, 30 miles and you were hanging on tight, and
everything was perfect. I can't...I can't think of anything better than
what happened yesterday.
Georgie: Staying up all night was pretty
Dillon: Yeah. No adults, no parents telling
us what do do.
Georgie: I was free. I don't think I've
ever felt like that.
Dillon: And I was happy. You have no idea
how rare that is.
Georgie: I do.
Dillon: You make me that way, ok? (Kisses
her hand) You mean so much to me and I would do anything for you and
I need you to know that.
Georgie: I feel the same way about you.
(Dillon takes her face in his hands and touches their noses and then
kisses her twice)