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Next Supercouple?" "SONNY AND CARLY...JASON AND COURTNEY...Dillon and Georgie? The romance isn't officially under way, but some General Hospital viewers are predicting that the latter teens will be Port Charles' next supercouple. That seems to be the show's gameplan. "These two understand what's going on with eeach other." explains co-head writer Charles Pratt Jr., pointing out that both were abandoned by their mothers. "Dillon is screaming for attention, going from an impartial observer to an acting out teen-ager who wants someone to look at him. And that someone is Georgie." While Georgie may not have noticed Dillon in a romantic way just yet, viewers certainly have. Online GQ (Georgie and Dillon Quartermaine) fans are busy extolling the virtues of Tracy's brooding son. "I'm 26 and in love with Dillon. Arrest me. Mac, arrest me." gushes one viewer. "We have a lot of confidence in this kid." offers Pratt. "He's interesting and different and doesn't look like a soap star - a lot of things people once said about Anthony Geary (Luke)." Ironically, Dillon's portrayer, Scott Clifton, initially auditioned for the role of Dillon's rival, Lucas. "He gets to kick people's asses and be the hero. When I first came on I was like, 'Bummer I'm not that type of guy,'" Clifton relates. "Then I started to fall into this role. Dillon's layered, he's got a history, he's more mature and wise." Which is why he's attracted to Georgie. "The dude's lived in Europe and been all over the world." notes Clifton. "Americans can have this shalloness to them and Dillon is appreciative of anything he might find in a teen-age girl in Suburban America. Georgie is airheaded when it comes to Lucas, but Dillon's clinging to what he can because he doesn't have anything else." For now, Dillon remains the odd man out as the prom approaches. "Lucas asks Maxie but she turns him down because she wants to go with Kyle," previews Clifton. "So Lucas asks Georgie right in front of Dillon. Georgie throws her arms around Dillon and says, 'Isn't that great?' and he says, 'Yeah that's wonderful - if you like second-pickins.'" "Just as Maxie has gon through the mistakes teens make." Pratt sums up. "Georgie makes mistakes, too." - JG