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Welcome To Dillon & Georgie's Sweet Haven! Dillon & Georgie's Sweet Haven is a page dedicated to the slowly blossoming relationship of Dillon Quartermaine and Georgie Jones! Feel free to look around! Enjoy and don't forget to sign my guestbook! Updates: 2/22 (3:40am CST) Hi again everyone! Updates are coming slowly but they're coming! Please be patient! After seeing last Monday's show (2/16) I couldn't NOT post one of my favorite scene pics at my site. So I have UPDATED my PIC OF THE WEEK along with the QUOTE OF THE WEEK!!!! The other updates will be up as soon as I can get them done!!! Keep checking back. Oh and for those of you who have sent me an email regarding the updates on this soon as I get a good chunk of it done and I post updates I will email you! Thanks again for visiting! 1/21/04 (11:30pm CST) Ok, I bet you all are wondering what in the world happened to me. I have been super super busy and have fallen behind BIG TIME!!! But I wanted to drop a note here to let everyone know that this site is NOT shutting down and it WILL eventually be updated.....hopefully soon!!! I'm thinking about possibly changing some of the layout; and I'm trying my hardest to catch up with the screencaps and transcripts! So please all keep will eventually be updated!!! I promise!!! If you would like me drop you an email when I actually get the site updated, please click here and send me a note stating you would like to know when the site's updated (put it in the body of email and in the subject write something like "Re: updates on site" that way I'll know what the email pertains to) along with the email address you want me to email the note to! 10/27 (12:40pm CST) Hi all! Sorry about the lack of updates...Life has been HECTIC. But I'm back with a major update!! I've updated the screencaps for the following eps: 10/15 ("Dillon" caps. "Georgie" caps, and "Georgie/Dillon" caps), 10/16 ("Dillon" caps), 10/17 ("Dillon" caps), 10/20 ("Georgie/Dillon" caps), and 10/22 ("Dillon" caps and "Georgie/Dillon" caps). The transcripts and later caps will be up soon!! 10/13 (2:10am CST) Hi all I'm back with updates! I have updated the transcript and screencaps for the 10/9 ep. Screencaps are separated into the 3 sections: the scenes with Edward and Dillon are in the "Dillon" section, the scenes with Maxie and Georgie are in the "Georgie" section, and of course all the other lovely GQ scenes are in the "Georgie/Dillon" section. I've also updated "The Kissing Booth" with the kiss from this ep. Also added a new Pic and Quote of the day. 10/9 (12:30am CST) Sorry it's taken me so long to update! The thing is I FINALLY got the program that allows me to make my OWN screencaps!! So that's why it's been awhile since I've updated. I've added a few more caps to certain days to add more detail. Ok onto the MAJOR update! I've added NEW caps (ones I made) to the following eps: 9/10, 9/11, 9/18, and 9/22, which can all be found in the "Georgie/Dillon" section! I also added the screencaps and transcript for the 10/3 (screencaps found in the "Georgie" and "Dillon" section), 10/6 (screencaps in the "Dillon" and "Georgie/Dillon" section), and 10/7 (screencaps in the "Georgie/Dillon" section and "Dillon" section) eps. I've also added a couple caps to "The Kissing Booth". Ok I think that's it...enjoy! 10/3 (2:45am CST) UPDATES: 10/2 Screencaps: "Georgie/Dillon"...scenes with between Alcazar and Dillon and Dillon spying can be found in the "Dillon" section and the transcript from the 10/2 ep along with "The Kissing Booth" updated with 10/2's kiss. Spoilers were also updated! 10/1 (3:20am CST) UPDATES: 9/29 Screencaps: "Georgie/Dillon"...scenes with between Alcazar and Dillon can be found in the "Dillon" section and the transcript from the 9/29 ep. 9/26 (11:30pm CST) What can I say about todays ep but...WOW! I love how their relationship is getting so hot that they can't keep their hands off each other. :) I've updated again! Screencaps (quite a bit I might add for this ep) can be found in the usual place..."Georgie/Dillon" section. Along with today's transcript. "The Kissing Booth" has been updated with our NUMBER of kisses from today! Also added 6 new pics of the WONDERFUL Scott! 9/24 (2:55am CST) I'M BACK! The past two episodes have been AMAZING! Monday's ep was too cute for words!! They were so sweet and innocent! And Scott and Lindze played the parts beautifully! And yesterday's ep was just as good. I think Mac was fairly cool about the whole situation. Ok...onto the updates...which are the usual and then some! 9/22 ep....Screencaps can be found in the "Georgie/Dillon" section, the Transcript section. Also added the NUMBER of kisses in "The Kissing Booth". 9/23 ep...Screencaps can be found in the "Georgie/Dillon" section, Transcript in the Transcript section. Added kiss AND hug in "The Kissing Booth". Added some more "Memorable Quotes" a new GQ site to the list of ever-growing links, long with a new pic & quote of the day. 9/21 (12:05am CST) Back with updates yet again! What can I say about last Thursday and Friday's eps except for oh my freaking god! GQ is just too cute! I love how they couldn't stay away from each other and ran into each other's arms for that HOT kiss! And then them preparing for their night. Georgie gushing to Maxie about how much she loves Dillon and Dillon at the drugstore trying to purchase condoms! I was laughing so hard! His speech about how much Georgie means to him and how he wants to make her happy was SOO cute! Ok..I'm done gushing now...onto the updates. I have updated the usual for the past two eps. 9/18...Screencaps can be found in the "Georgie/Dillon" section. The transcript can, of course, be found in the "Transcript" section. Also added that HOT kiss to "The Kissing Booth". 9/19...The screencaps are separated (long time for this one I know) the scene at the beginning with Georgie & Dillon at Kelly's along with the last scene with Georgie and Dillon at the hotel can be found in the "Georgie/Dillon" section. The scenes at the hotel with Georgie and Maxie can be found in the "Georgie" section. The scenes with Dillon and Emily at the hospital and Dillon at the drug store can be found in the "Dillon" section. The transcript can be found in the "Transcript" section. Spoilers were also updated...with SNEAK PICS (courtesy of ABCMediaNet)! Wow that's alot. well enjoy! 9/16 (4:00am CST) Yesterday was a day remember click here to find out why. 9/14 (4:00am CST) Happy B-day to me!!! Links updated! 9/13 (5:30am CST) Yesterday's ep was soo cute! I LOVED how Dillon came to Georgie's rescue and the farmer bought EVERY word of Dillon being and FBI agent. Then that jump hug after the farmer left was soo cute and not to mention the kiss that followed also cute. But then again...when ISN'T GQ cute? Ok...the updates follow as usual. (9/12 ep) Screencaps..."Georgie/Dillon" section, transcript, along with "The Kissing Booth" with the kiss from yesterday's ep.
Site Created on April 18, 2003 |